Welcome to our New Home!

Welcome to our New Home!

I would like to first say thanks for coming to our site. If you need any help or have any questions please email me at bill@friendsforbillmayberry.com.

I want to thank everyone for taking the time to educate themselves about the candidates. I am employed at Marion Country Club for the past 9 years, and prior to that I was self-employed in the IT world all right here in Marion Ohio. My wife Miranda and I have 2 wonderful children and were married at the Trinity Baptist church.

We have been great supporters of our local community and this is why I have taken to running for 6th Ward City Council.

We are just getting this site off the ground and we will continue to work on the site and bringing information to the public through this site and other media options.

We hope we can count on your vote in November!!!

Elect Bill Mayberry for 6th Ward City Council

Thank You,

Bill Mayberry

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